Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Bunyans

Genre: Folk Literature/Tall Tale
Author: Audrey Wood

Summary: This story is about Paul Bunyan's life after all the stories about him growing up. Paul meets another giant named Carrie, who he falls in love with instantly, and they marry. The couple then has two children, Little Jean and Teeny, and the story follows the family as the children grow up. As the reader follows along to the Bunyans' life, they are told why numerous things are the way that they are in America, such as the Rocky Mountains, which the story tells Carrie Bunyan created to keep her children closer to home.

Lesson: I would read a tall tale about Paul Bunyan first and then read students this story as it continues on his fictional life. I would have students find something remarkable about the landscape of the United States and then have the students draw it and write a story about which Bunyan created. I would have students come to me so that I could agree with their story and landscape before they write it so that each student has something different to write about. After all the students have created this short story about a Bunyan and their landscape, I would collect everyone's story and put it together as a book made by the class on the Bunyans' life.

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