Friday, February 18, 2011

The Greeks Leaders in Democracy

Genre: Multicultural/International
Author: Katherine Reece

Summary: This book describes past and present Greece, a country made up of a main peninsula and numerous islands. Greece can be found on the eastern side of the Mediterranean Sea and the peninsula is made up of mainly mountains and little land good enough to farm on. The book describes where the ancient Greeks were from along with who made up the ancient Greeks. Students may be interested to learn that the both male and female Greeks wore clothing called chitons and that they would eat pomegranates and fish. There is even two drawings of how women used to wear their hair in Greece. The book also covers the ancient Greeks's beliefs and their mythology of the gods. At the end of the book the author describes present Greece and the people who make it up.

Lesson: I would read this book at the end of the year as an introduction to Europe for a fifth grade class. The North Carolina Standard Course of Study for social studies in fifth grade focuses on North America so by the end of the school year students should have a firm understanding of North America. To prepare them for sixth grade, I would introduce them to Europe. After reading this book to my class I would have students go to the school's library and allow students to pick out books about one country in Europe that they would like to learn about. To help with the search of books, I would ask the librarian to help us find books about individual countries in Europe. I would have a large map of Europe spread out on a few tables so that students could find their country. After students have found a country and resources describing their country, I would have the students each create their own poster about their country. Students would present their country to the class and then we would hang them up in the class for the remainder of the year.

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