Genre: Graphic Novel
Author: Martin Powell
Summary: This version of Snow White is retold in the format of a graphic novel. The first two pages have illustrations of the main characters along with their names next to them. The story starts with the introduction to Prince Marco and how he meets the beautiful but evil Queen Mara. She wishes to make Prince Marco her husband but once he finds out that she is evil, the Queen makes Prince Marco part of her beloved mirror. Snow White is hated by the Queen due to Snow White being the most beautiful person and tries to kill Snow White time after time. Once Snow White moves in with the Seven Dwarfs, the Queen visits her in a disguise and poisons Snow White with an apple. At the end of the graphic novel Snow White is saved by Prince Marco and the Dwarfs bury Queen Mara underground.
Lesson: After reading this to my class, or even if my class was able to read it alone with enough copies of the book, I would get the students to write a different ending to the story. I would tell them that they are able to create a plot to the story after page 15, which would mean that all the stories would have Prince Marco stuck in a mirror with the Queen Mara wanting to kill Snow White in their plot for at least the beginning of their stories. I would encourage them to draw pictures along with their story.
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